CompTIA A+ 220-801

An Overview of IPv4 and IPv6 – CompTIA A+ 220-801: 2.3

The primary IP technologies used today are IP version 4 and IP version 6. In this video, you’ll learn the differences between these two technologies, the differences between public and private IP addressing, and how automatic private IP addressing (APIPA) can be used to provide connectivity.

TCP/IP Subnets – CompTIA A+ 220-801: 2.3

Our TCP/IP networks are separated into many subnets. In this video, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of IP subnetting and how legacy class-based and modern classless subnetting is used to connect the worldwide Internet.

Network Cabling – CompTIA A+ 220-801: 2.2

Our cabling is the fundamental part of any network. In this video, you’ll learn about the different modes of fiber communication, the unique characteristics of twisted pair copper cabling, the importance of plenum-rated cable, and the use of coax cables in our high-speed networks.

Device Connectors and Cables – CompTIA A+ 220-801: 1.11

There are many different types of devices that can connect to your computer, and many of them use completely different connectors. In this video, you’ll learn about the cables and connectors used for hard drives, USB devices, FireWire components, parallel links, serial connections, network links, and much more.