Operators are standing by

Which of these best describes Automated System Recovery?

A) Deletes all data and restores disk signatures, volumes, and partitions

B) Rebuilds the Master Boot Record.

C) Replaces all modified system files

D) Rebuilds the Boot Configuration Data

E) Automatically performs a repair of the startup process

F) I can set it, and, um, something.

The answer: A) Deletes all of your data and restores disk signatures, volumes, and partitions

The ASR process is very aggressive, and is probably best used as a last ditch effort to resolve a problem with Windows. Because the ASR process deletes all data, you should backup as much data as possible and restore once the system is rebuilt.

Want to know more? Watch “Operating System Troubleshooting Tools.”

You need to have the right tools if you’re planning to fix an operating system. In this video, you’ll learn about automated system recovery, system repair disks, pre-installation environments, msconfig, sfc, the Windows registry, and much more.