Power to the processor

How can you tell if your motherboard is using a non-standard power supply?

A) Non-standard connector on the motherboard

B) Limited supply of replacement power supplies

C) Wire colors are different between power supply types

D) All of the above

E) It’s actually NOT possible to tell by licking it

The answer: D) All of the above

The practice of using a non-standard power supply has been rare lately, but during the years between 1996 and 2000 there were many proprietary power-supplies used on motherboards from Dell and others. To help provide some options, a few third-party manufacturers made adapter cables that would connect a standard power-supply to the non-standard motherboard connectors! Eventually, the power supply standards were modified so that the connections and options would be more modular and support many different motherboard use cases.

Want to know more? Watch “Computer Power.”

Without the supply of power, your computer won’t have much to do. In this video, you’ll learn about power supply standards and how different connectors are used to power the components inside of modern personal computers.