That’s the wrong Trigger

Which of these would be the most likely reason for configuring a port trigger on a SOHO router?

A) You need to allow permanent access to a service on your internal network

B) You need to use private addresses on your internal network

C) You need to prioritize voice traffic over file transfers

D) You need to temporarily provide access to a service on your internal network

E) You need to encrypt network communication across a wireless network

F) You’re a fan of the palomino

The answer: D) You need to temporarily provide access to a service on your internal network

Port triggering only allows access to an internal service on a temporary basis, and usually while a corresponding application is running. This is different than port forwarding, which allows access on an permanent basis.

Want to know more? Watch “Configuring a SOHO Wireless Router.”

SOHO wireless routers may be the most common network devices in the world, so it’s important that you understand some of the more detailed configuration settings. In this video, you’ll learn about wireless channels, encryption, NAT, port forwarding, port triggering, IP addressing, DMZ ports, QoS, and more.