A+ Pop Quiz: It’s like building blocks for adults
A+ Pop Quiz: It’s like building blocks for adults Read More »
Which of these adapter interface types would you most likely find on a laptop computer?
Which of these would be the best way to prioritize application traffic in your network adapter properties configuration?
The network adapter configuration is the first step when connecting to the network. In this video, you’ll learn how to set adapter configuration settings and configure quality of service (QoS) options.
Configuring Network Adapter Properties – CompTIA A+ 220-802: 1.6 Read More »
Which of these steps would be the best choice prior to physically installing a new adapter card into a computer?
A computer’s expansion cards can provide nearly unlimited upgrade options. In this video, you’ll learn about some of the most popular expansion card types and some of the best practices for installing and configuring expansion cards.
Installing and Configuring Expansion Cards – CompTIA A+ 220-801: 1.4 Read More »
You have just installed a new adapter card into a desktop computer and started Windows 7. What is the easiest way to confirm that the operating system has properly identified the new hardware?
You’ve just installed a new audio card, but after starting Windows you don’t see any new hardware in Windows Device Manager. Which of these is the most likely issue?
You need to uninstall and hand-carry a video adapter from a computer in one building to a computer in another building. Which of these would be the best way to protect the adapter components?