
They won’t listen to reason

You’ve just acquired a new video card for your corporate workstation, but the video drivers for the adapter will not install. Which of these would be the most likely cause of this issue?

Break, fix, and download

You’re replacing a broken adapter card with the same make and model of PCI card, and you notice there’s a new driver on the manufacturer web site. The instructions for the new driver clearly state to uninstall the existing driver before installing the new driver. What would be the best way to uninstall these drivers in Windows XP?

It won’t. I’ve tried.

You’re trying to install a new device driver using an executable file from the manufacturer, but the installation process fails in the middle of the installation. Which of these is most likely the issue?

Microsoft 70-680: 8.2 – Windows 7 System Recovery Options

When something goes wrong, you need to have all of the right tools available to fix the problem. In this video, you’ll learn how to create and restore from a system restore point, when to use the last known good configuration, how to rollback a driver, and how to completely restore a Windows 7 system.

Microsoft 70-680: 3.1 – Configuring Devices

An important aspect of installing hardware on your Windows 7 computer is the management of device drivers. In this video, you’ll learn how to install and update drivers, administratively stage device drivers, manage conflicts between drivers, configure driver settings, and resolve problematic device drivers.

Microsoft 70-680: 2.4 – Preparing for Deployment

If you have built your “perfect” Windows 7 image, then you know that it doesn’t take long before your image becomes dated. In this video, you’ll learn how to use DISM to update applications, drivers, and patches. You’ll also learn how the Windows System Image Manager can automate the update process with an Unattend.xml file.

Which one to install?

You’re installing a new adapter card, and you have a device driver CD that was shipped with the adapter card. When you visit the adapter card web site, you find a newer driver has been released. What is the best way to proceed?