
Share the share

You’d like to access a public share on your NAQUADAH server, but you can’t remember the share name. Which of these commands will show you the share names from your Windows 7 desktop?

Where are the shares?

You are on your Windows Vista desktop at the command line. What command has an option that would allow you to view available shares on a remote computer?

Where are those shares?

When you install Windows, there are a number of administrative hidden shares that are already configured in the operating system. What character denotes a hidden share?

What command line option connects to shares?

You’d like to use the command line to connect to a Windows share on your central file server. Which command can be used at a command prompt to connect to a network share? A) NET CONNECT B) SHARE USE C) SHARE CONNECT D) NET USE E) O HAI CONNECT THE SHARE PLZ